
Thursday 2 August 2012

team GB!


またまた行ってきたよーオリンピック!!今回は男子フットボールのメキシコvsスイス、そして開催国team GBとウルグアイの2本だて!なんで2試合セットでチケット売ってたのかよく分からないんですが、チケット自体は一試合買うのと同じ値段でした。



Another evening at Olympic games! This time we watched men's football, Mexico vs Swiss, and of course, team GB vs Uruguay! I don't know why we could watch 2 games for 20 quid which worth watching 1 game usually. Anyway, I enjoyed both matches. I didn't know anything about team Mexico or Swiss, but still exciting seeing the moment of scoring. People in the stereotype Mexican fashion were also fun to see :P

手拍子で1、1、3、4、GB!って応援が入るフットボールの試合、何だか不思議です。フットボールやラグビーはいつもイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズ、アイルランドのそれぞれが1カ国扱いで出場するのです。でもこのオリンピックは統合チーム。公式パンフレットにも呼び方がUnited Kingdomとかじゃなくteam GB、とあるのはそれでも残る複雑な気持ちへの配慮なのかしら?

I wonder why 'team GB' is (apparently) formal name for group of athletes from UK. Official Olympic booklets use that name, BBC always say team GB too. Do they mean like bunch of friends or something and encourage people to stick together to cheer Olympic athletes? At the GB's match, audience were told we should be nice to the other team too (basically not say boo, it means). However, lots of people were booing only one particular player from Uruguay turned up or every time he kicked a ball because he made a racist comment and banned to play for several weeks recently. People here are very sever on this kind of issue.

Speaking of 'sever', the badminton pairs were all disqualified for the disappointing matches. That was sever punishment, but it's needed, I suppose. There might be some cultural difference about what they mostly focus on. And also, there might be slight misunderstanding for Asian people in the meaning and importance of 'fairness' in European world.

話がそれましたが、とにもかくにも試合は面白かったです!前半最後にばっちりteam GBが得点できたし、キーパーの好セーブでウルグアイの得点も防げたし、今までに無い観客総数でザ・オリンピック!な雰囲気も十分あじわえました〜。
Whoops, I talk too much about other things! The matches were fun at all. 'Team GB' scored and the great keeper did his job. I saw massive audience around the ground. It really was a "Olympic game'!



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