
Friday 17 August 2012

Le concert


Le Concert (2009) 
Andrey was once known as a genius conductor of the Bolshoi orchestra, but now he is only a cleaner at the Bolshoi. One day he accidentally knew a theatre in Paris was looking for orchestra and wanted to invite Bolshoi, and a cunning plan came up to him that he should gather old orchestra colleagues who got fired for being Jewish and make up an orchestra as 'Bolshoi'. Incredible gypsy musicians also joined them and went to Paris...!

Nothing but making great music is only thing which Andrey has been seeking for. His another object in this inconceivable music project, is to play with a young star violinist, Anne-Marie. She knows Andrey's old career and accepted but thing are not going as he plans. Everyone was so excited to be away from their country which deprived them from hope for everything and disappeared. 

共産主義に振り回された人々のどっぷり重い歴史背景も混じっていながらもそれを笑い飛ばすかのようにコミカルでたくましいオケの面々。涙なみだで語らない。こういう映画って本当に好みなんだなあ。演目が大好きなチャイコフスキーのバイオリンコンチェルトin D majorってのもそそりますw。
Well, I believe you should watch this film yourself if you want to know more about the film. As for myself, I love this story. It's got serious heavy historic background. There is no fun there. But the characters in this film are described as if they were blowing the history off as silly things. No need of cleverness here, won't we?
From the point of music wise, the music at the concert is great, too. The violin concert in D major is my favourite of all! It's the best music for the people who can conquer.

後でいろいろ気になった俳優さんや映画情報を見ていたイアンちゃんが「ねえ、この映画、各国で公開されて'Le concert'か'concert'の題名がついてるんだけどね、ただひとつだけ全く別のタイトルつけてるんだ、それはどこの国だと思う?」とニヤリ。正解はじゃぱーん!w日本でだけ「オーケストラ!」なのでした。ま、外れてはないけど、映画製作者的には実は素晴らしい音楽を奏でる落ちぶれた仲間とあのソリストで、チャイコフスキーのコンサートを!ていうのがメインだから、私見を言えば、やっぱり題名は「コンサート」かなあ、、、。


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